He's pretty sure that it's basically a legal way to take credit for low-resolution images of other peoples' cat photos, usually with some snarky phrase added in the default Arial font that MS-Paint defaults to.

The Very Worst Day in the Very Long Life of a Man Named Barley O'Brien
This is Barley O'Brien and Maggie MacWozniac Mary O'Shane. Barley's a butcher and Maggie drives the train he takes every morning, but they're best friends because they both hate everybody. It's a children's book. A children's book about hating everybody. It's vaguely autobiographical.
Root, Allston
The pieces that you can view at Root, in Union Square Allston! They're opening to the public on July 9th.

There's a new restaurant opening up in Union Square, Allston, which I shouldn't have to specify is in Allston at all, but must due to a certain very hip square in a certain other city. Anywho, the important thing isn't which Union Square you like better, it's that in our Union Square, there's soon going to be even more sexy food, and even more sexy art to go with it. Everybody must go to Root's grand opening on July 9th!

When it rains, it pours
Some new stuff you may not have seen! Don't forget to check out the Andrew Jerz Permanent Collection in person at FoMu in Allston, where you can get awesome, dairy free, coconut-milk-based icecream AND see my original paintings!

More updates soon on some current projects

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